Deuke Productions

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I'm a semi-retired Editor. I have been a newspaper and magazine Journalist since 1982. The study of Ancient History is one of my greatest passions, and in my life's experiences I've learned at least one very valuable lesson, about history and myself: One must finally reconcile what is real in the heart and the nonsense that comes out of our mouths, our pens and our keyboards.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Final GOD - has finally arrived!

The novel, which I have worked on much longer than the "six days," GOD took to create the universe, is now available in E-edition and print format at book outlets everywhere, including:,, the, Barnes & Noble, and many others, too numerous to list; or go to my website at:

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Who are we, and where did we come from?

 By D. "Deuke" © 2013
 In my quest to find answers about our existence and purpose, I looked first at the spiritual side of the equation, as it was my upbringing. I believe the universe was created by GOD. How that was done will always be the quest of scholars - until we are informed by the Creator. I did find answers. However, I realized also that there was a need to delve into more of the details that were not present for instance, in Bible narratives. 

I studied concepts, perpetuated by religious communities, and found many of their dogmas to be based on nothing more than their particular brand of spirituality.  I looked to scientists, from many disciplines, to understand what they believed and how they imparted those beliefs. I found them questionable in many instances as they seemed to discount the conscious/spiritual side of the intricate equation. 
There is a multitude of information available about man's origins from anthropologists, archaeologists, paleontologists, and many others - any having to do with the best explanations of how we got here and how we progressed, or degenerated, depending on one's perception. We have studied life from ancient times to present. Images of skeletons, scattered bones, even the skulls of ancient humans have been carefully examined. Areas from all over the world have been excavated, photographed and sifted through, in an attempt to answer the questions of our origins and how we came to be.
Most of us have seen photos of ancient dwellings, such as the Mesa Verde in Colorado, or read about the discoveries in Egypt, such as the Tel Edfu project, but what do they all mean?

Can we say with certainty how it all came to be? It's hard to tell sometimes when the presenters of theories that do not consciously allow a spiritual connection, and advocate an origin that came about simply by chance. In recent times, scholars have theorized that comets brought the first proteins of life to a forbidden planet. They propose that although the environment was volatile and going through catastrophic changes, it was just right for the proteins to "fold" and begin a life process. I find it disengenuous at best that scientists will allow for statistical impossibilities in our origins, but will at the same time discount, "Intelligent Design."

In My opinion, GOD may have started life as a one-celled animal; spreading molecules, amino acids and proteins around on the debris in space from an energy source incalculable and sent it on a designed course. But I believe that he created each and every species, distinctly different, including mankind; there was no evolutionary process to finally reach our so-called, modern-homo sapiens status. And I believe that the reader and the student must take with a grain of salt the advocacy of origin theories by particular professors and pseudo-scientists that attempt to dazzle the masses with profound statements in biological mumbo-jumbo, and instead open their mind to the possibilities that our origins were indeed, intelligently designed.

I thought that this particular talk by Scientist, Rupert Sheldrake, was worthy of uploading - as he questions the science community's "dogmatic constants."

Another site that may be of interest about NASA missions to search for answers about our origins, see this:

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Introduction - Truth of Man's Ancient History

By D. “Deuke” © 2013

Ancient history scholars – many of whom parrot archaeologists, paleontologists and other scientists that have followed predictable mainstream dictates; a selective evolution theory and denial that Biblical text is a credible reference source, leave several important questions unanswered; are their conclusions, associated with dating of ancient artifacts, strata, human migrations, development and subsequent social interaction, distorted?  
In my research, which began more than 20 years ago, I set out to answer these questions. This treatise may yield some answers.  
So that there is no misunderstanding, I consider Biblical sources, which in certain cases are only a “thumbnail” of ancient history, as the basis from which the bulk of my study of ancient history began.

I won’t argue with the reader (if we could) about whether my research is sufficient. It is merely adequate to write that I started my research with a Bible – and after exhaustive investigation and examination of a bountiful supply of authentic and verifiable evidence from many other sources, I’ve concluded that the Bible is a truthful, ancient historical reference source. 
In much of the academic information available to researchers, a "mainstream propaganda" – which is passed down in doses hard to swallow, is from some of the largest universities and institutions in the world. I won't even mention the individuals that are paraded all over TV, alleging “critical research.” The Bible is a valid source for historical study – no matter what others parrot. This is not to say that information gleaned from other sources is inaccurate, or to be ignored. For in fact, supportable evidence, for many of their conclusions, are indeed substantiated.

First, in setting my goals for reaching the truth about our ancient history, in all its glory, I looked to the origins of the Bible; its oral and written traditions, scholarship and translations. I've conducted an intensive study in archaeology which I would add is ongoing in an effort to not only validate the Bible, but to be enriched by its content. I have been indeed.

I studied the summary of Creation, as translated in the book of Genesis, compared it with other sources, including the Qur'an, and Babylonian sources – such as the Gilgamesh Epic; the development and history of the Israelites and contemporaries in the Near East; prophecies and poetry, and later, the “New Testament Gospels.”

It took many years to understand the implications of the various translations, from, writings in Hebrew/Aramaic, and Ethiopian, Greek and English, not to mention the many versions of English we have today. I studied Masoretic texts (using English translations), and the Septuagint; and compared these studies as objectively as possible, with the inferences made by many historians, learning that in many cases, the critics that deny the existence of GOD, (an omnipotent spirit-being), simultaneously deny the veracity of the Bible – no matter what version of it was rendered.
Many of these same scholars advocate theories, based solely on contrary opinion of the Bible. In fact, today, in some circles, the Bible is considered mythology rather than an accurate historical reference. I believe this view is both inaccurate and a disservice to students of history. Instead of searching for truth, which is the scientific world’s alleged mantra; confusion has been perpetuated by a few. 
At the same time, it will be quite evident that I stand on the shoulders of very impressive persons; world famous archaeologists, linguists, cartographers, etymologists, astronomers, mathematicians, and many others, whose knowledge of their respective subject, was imparted with one objective – to find the facts to find the truth. 
I sifted through this material with intensity. It has been a very insightful journey – and in so many instances, indeed astounding. I’m as positive that these scholars will continue to mesmerize readers with the data they have studied, and finally shared, as they did for me.
Pliny the Elder
While you read this treatise, realize that my scholarship isn't to be compared with many "credentialed" scholars that I have studied – I am but a student. Nevertheless, allow me to compile a tale, if you will – taken from accounts written by philosophers and historians alike; Josephus, Philo, Ptolemy, Pliny the Elder, and many others that explain the paths taken by man since the beginning.

Read how greats, such as Asger Hartvig Aaboe, conveyed – through the years, awe-inspiring information concerning Babylonian astronomy, mathematics, and other exact sciences. 
Go with me as I venture outside my comfort zone to climb the Caucasus Mountains, where ancient villages once stood. 
Mt. Elbrus, the highest peak in the Caucasus mountains
Scrutinize the evidence uncovered of a 5,000 year old “iceman,” so-named, Otzi, who may have been murdered. Crawl around inside the “Shanidar Cave” to examine forensic evidence left behind of a small community of alleged 20,000 year old human beings some with infirmities - see how they correlate with the volumes written by Jean Auel about the "Clan of the Cave Bear.".

Understand the significance of Urfa, now called San Lurfa (Edessa in Greek) in Southeastern Turkey, as the site where Abraham may have started his journey that has lasted millenia. And later, decide if Abraham had anything to do with the alleged "purposed burying" of Gobekli Tepe, which is less than ten miles from San Lurfa and a short distance from where he lived, Harran – one of the most ancient cities in the world. Some date it to 9,000 B.C. and later. There is growing evidence of an established global civilization that suddenly perished from the world which may have existed more than 10,000 years ago. The above mentioned, Gobekli Tepe, is dated “with confidence…” by archaeologist, Professor Klaus Schmidt of the German Archaeological Institute of Istanbul to approximately 10,000 B.C. 

Gobekli Tepe

Boat with me down the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers; see the ruins of ancient Nineveh, and Babylon; take a closer look at the Ziggurats built by ancient men – all over the world. Look at Egypt and their ancient beliefs and culture; understand the significance of their temples and writings. 
Stare up into the heavens and track, (if you’re able), what’s left of an asteroid that some propose was the event that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, in 3120 B.C., though in my opinion, if the dating is accurate, it would not match with what I believe was the time frame for Abraham to have witnessed it. The “Planisphere” on the left is what Babylonian astronomers understood and initially engraved. Take a peek back in time at villages in Armenia, (eastern Turkey) that are claimed to have surfaced first at the foothills of the “Mountains of Ararat,” or Urartu, after a Great Flood; an account written in Genesis, and also in Sura 71 of the Quran. Read how these villages associate their relationship to a man named Noah, or as one source calls him, Zuisudra.
The seal image depicts the legend of the "Great Flood" which consumed mankind. Many Sumerian legends are strikingly similar to Genesis.

According to an article in wikipedia: “The legendary founder of Armenia was Hayk, a chieftain who called on his kinsmen to unite into a single nation, thus forming Armenia." Read from one at least one source how Hayk may be the king who defeated the legendary Nimrod. According to legend, Hayk was a great-great-grandson of Noah (son of Togarmah, who was a son of Gomer, a son of Noah's son, Yafet/Japheth), and according to tradition, a forefather of all Armenians. Understand how Ararat became the mountain around which was centered Urartu and subsequent kingdoms, and is still considered sacred by the Armenians.
And from the website, Adam's Calendar: 

 There is also the discovery by Johan Heine in 2003 of the approximately 160,000 to 200,000 year old ruins in South Africa. 

"Something amazing has been discovered in an area of South Africa, about 150 miles inland, west of the port of Maputo. It is the remains of a huge metropolis that measures, in conservative estimates, about 1500 square miles. That's bigger than Johannesburg nowadays. It's part of an even larger community that is about 10,000 square miles and appears to have been constructed -- are you ready -- from 160,000 to 200,000 BCE!  The region is somewhat remote and the "circles" have often been encountered by local farmers who assumed they were made by some indigenous people in the past. But, oddly, no one ever bothered to inquire about who could have made them or how old they were. This changed when researcher and author, Michael Tellinger, teamed up with Johan Heine, a local fireman and pilot who had been looking at these ruins from his years flying over the region. Heine had the unique advantage to see the number and extent of these strange stone foundations and knew that their significance was not being appreciated..."When Johan first introduced me to the ancient stone ruins of southern Africa, I had no idea of the incredible discoveries we would make in the year or two that followed. The photographs, artifacts and evidence we have accumulated points unquestionably to a lost and never-before-seen civilization that predates all others -- not by just a few hundred years, or a few thousand years... but many thousands of years. These discoveries are so staggering that they will not be easily digested by the mainstream historical and archaeological fraternity, as we have already experienced. It will require a complete paradigm shift in how we view our human history," says Tellinger

To see the scope of these ruins, I suggest that you use google-earth and start with the following coordinates:

Carolina -- 25 55' 53.28" S / 30 16' 13.13" E
Badplaas -- 25 47' 33.45" S / 30 40' 38.76" E
Waterval -- 25 38' 07.82" S / 30 21' 18.79" E
Machadodorp -- 25 39' 22.42" S / 30 17' 03.25" E


The account of the Great flood, as recorded in Bible scriptures and in many other manuscripts and traditions, from among many cultures around the globe is the most applicable place to start this work. It is my belief that the account in the Bible is an accurate depiction of a world-wide cataclysmic occurrence, despite assertions to the contrary; therefore man’s history is tied inescapably to this catastrophic event. There is a plethora of debate on the subject.

Some geologists will tell you that if there was a “great flood,” it was only “area specific.” Other geologists will tell you that evidence exists of world-wide flooding, as well as area specific. But let us begin with the belief that the flood was world-wide, as the Bible states – which killed all humans save eight. The Biblical account records subsequent origins of civilizations, from upper Mesopotamia and overspread to the rest of the world after the flood. These civilizations existed, of that there is no doubt. There is evidence in the Black Sea of a rapid infilling of ocean water. This video may give some insight to the phenomena:
Evidence shows that civilizations and their subsequent histories may have been at their height more than 5,000 years ago and continued with little interruption. However, evidence being gathered as I write describes a history from before the flood that may be even more astounding. The growing amount of information presents evidence that eventually will confirm man’s existence and his sophisticated civilization process that predate the epic Flood event and confirm that indeed the Bible has depicted a great truth!

And there is evidence. The Bible states that Noah began to be a husbandman, growing grapes; making wine, and relates what happened when he had obviously drank too much of his mix and while asleep one of his children, or grandchildren saw him naked as he slept. His sons walked backward to cover him up. Evidence has been found of the first wine making utensils and seeds, depicting a domestication of the wild grapes in north western Iran, within 100 miles of where the ark allegedly landed. The artifacts have been dated to the same time as the Bible claims the story of Noah and his family.

And what about the story of the Exodus; Israel leaving Egypt? Is there evidence? Scholars have long told the world there is none. But to the contrary, there is. See this video for some reference:
It is my belief that the above video, confirms what I discovered in 2006, using a Bible and Google Earth satellite images; the trek of the Israelites out of Egypt, their crossing of the Red Sea (today called, Gulf of Aqaba) and subsequent journey to the "Mountain of GOD in Arabia: jabal al lawz. Further that Ron Wyatt was telling the truth when he claimed his findings of choral encrusted chariot wheels in the Gulf of Aqaba after several dives.  

Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Miraculous Journey

Allow me to preface this story by expressing my opinion concerning the Exodus.

I believe the maps that are found in most Bibles; (printed before the end of the 20th century A.D.), claiming the route that Moses took in the "Exodus" from Egypt, are inaccurate. Several years ago, I found what I believe to be the route the Hebrews actually took after they left Egypt -- approximately, 3,500 - years ago.

The story of the Exodus, is exciting, to say the least, and though many doubt it, previous archaeological discoveries, as well as recent finds, and other scientific data, reveal that the Biblical narrative is astoundingly accurate. The notorious; often refuted "explorer," Ron Wyatt, who died in 1999, published a map that displays the claim I also make; that the "fleeing Jews" traveled through the Sinai, then over "dry land," across the Red Sea" -- 'Gulf of Aquaba' - (East of the Sinai Peninsula and into southern Saudia Arabia toward Midian/Maydan) Later (nearly 40 years later) they crossed from the (east side) of the Jordan River into the western lands of "Caanan," to attack Jericho.
Wyatt's depiction of the crossing, (in his map, seen above), is nearly identical to the route I drew on a map, (without knowledge of Wyatt's claims), several years ago.
Much credit also goes to Bob Cornuke and Larry Williams for their documented account into Saudia Arabia to the possible site of "Horeb" or Mt. Sinai.
-- D. "Deuke" -- 2008 --
The Miraculous Journey (c) 2004
By D. "Deuke"
Travelers in some parts of the Middle East have utilized the same well-worn passages and roads for more than 5,000 years. However, nearly 3,500 years ago, a story was told of a multitude of people, more than 600,000 strong, according to at least one source, along with their animals, took a journey through the deserts – in the Middle East – on a route that no one has yet been able to follow, with complete accuracy.

The former slaves of a hard-driving monarchy hurriedly distanced themselves from a territory, in which they had lived and toiled for over 400 years. After they left, a debate raged in the palace of the king.

“Why have you let these people go?” the king’s governors demanded. “They have killed our sons, and your son, and yet you have given them gold and jewels and sent them away to worship a GOD we cannot see,” they screamed with lethal contempt.

“Calm yourselves,” the king commanded. “I shall capture them and bring them back into the land – where they shall again carry the brick and mortar, and build my great cities?” he replied.

The immense family of men, women and children continued to urge their livestock forward; reluctantly following an 80 year-old man. Though he seemed a miracle-worker, they murmured among themselves about the unrelenting pace; the thirst they had no time to quench, and the lack of food. Yet they sustained the march toward a wilderness where very few could survive.

The old man spoke strangely about a promise made to their ancestors; a promise that they would inherit another land, which “flowed with milk and honey,” he had told them, “The promise was a gift from their GOD,” he said. However, several days into the journey, the people discovered they were being pursued by a significant and formidable army – soldiers spurred by a king, who now sought revenge and retaliation, for the provocative way in which his slaves had departed the kingdom.

The hunted shrunk in fear. “Why have you brought us into the desert?” the people shouted at the old man. “Was it to kill us in this wasteland?” they cried.

“Do not fear,” the old man reassured them. “Our GOD will see us through.”

Suddenly, a dense cloud descended from the heavens and hid the assembly from the hunters. The stalking army became uneasy; a thick white cloud had abruptly concealed the fleeing slaves. The king’s scouts attempted to peer through the veil, but could see nothing. They reported that the prey had escaped the king’s wrath, for yet another day.

“Who is this GOD that hides a multitude?” the king demanded. But there was no answer.

Day after day, hour after hour, a distance between the two camps was maintained. On one of the starless nights, a sentry came to his captain and reported a “pillar of fire,” was seen in the vast expanse ahead then confided that he was afraid. “Tell no other what you have seen,” the captain ordered. “The king has gone mad – and his anger is unbridled. I fear as well, that death will come to us all.”

At last, the mass of humanity halted before a sea; nowhere else to turn. An enormous body of water was before them; a pursuing army, close behind. Terror struck their heart; death was surely on its way. “Save us!” they begged.

Some say, that in the desert, at the foothill of Jabal Umm Tartir, the old man raised his staff and the waters of the deep stood far apart. He is said to have yelled, "Hurry, cross to the other side; witness your GOD who saves you with a strong hand and mighty works!”

The throng passed the depths on a dry path. A wall of water stood high on the left, and a wall of water remained on the right; truly an amazing sight.

“After them!” the king shouted. The soldiers compelled their mounts to move; chariots lurched forward and men rushed headlong toward the inferior slaves. “Quickly you fools; they are getting away!” the king shrieked.

The formidable army rushed forward with screams and shouts, as they hotly pursued the escaping families. The king watched from a hill, high above the sea, only nodding to his commander as his men moved with fear into the path of what was only moments before, a deep inland sea.

Suddenly, just as his army had traveled nearly 200 yards onto the path, the walls of water began to crumble and fall. Soldiers, who were once mighty warriors, began to scream as travailing women. Within seconds, hundreds of  feet of water had engulfed the Egyptian army.....

The following is from Ron Wyatt's website:
"Confirmation of the actual Exodus route has come from divers finding coral-encrusted bones and chariot remains in the Gulf of Aqaba."

"ABOVE GILDED CHARIOT WHEEL - Mute witness to the miracle of the crossing of the Red Sea by the Hebrews 3,500 years ago. Found with metal detector. *Coral will not grow on gold."